
Just two weeks into the New Year and Sheffield Park station is looking like a big building site. Track already lifted from Platform 2 and the formation being dug out to remove the clay and pebbles before relaying properly with the now usual Terrram and polythene sandwich. At the same time as drainage is installed, new stools to take point rodding will be positioned ready for the new signal box installation. 7 point at the south end which leads to the Pumphouse siding is also being replaced. Over on Platform one, the whole of the south end is fenced off as a secure site while work is going on to improve the edging of the dock, remedy failed corbelling on the platform face and correctly aligning slabs. While the work proceeds, ducting for future proofing any electrical upgrades will also be installed. The steps and supporting brackets on the footbridge, platform one side are also being renewed to complete the job which we started on platform two some years ago. A bit of a challenge when work started yesterday morning as the temperature was -4° C and locks were found to be frozen. Thankfully the sun came out later on which improved working conditions.

All photos: Mike Hopps