Witness birds of prey on the platform of Horsted Keynes Station and it’s all free with your All Day Rover Ticket!

What’s on offer throughout the day:
  1. Educational Talks about the Birds at set times throughout the day to coincide with the arrival and departure of the trains. These will aim to inspire as well as educate the public while bringing our Birds up close and personal. Our Birds will be shown to the public while on the glove by our Falconers – please note this will not include flying the Birds as we find that the greatest impact and most personal experience with our Birds comes from the opportunity to experience handling them.
  2. A selection of our Birds in attendance at the event for the public to meet with a selection of species and sizes to view.
  3. The opportunity for public to hold the Birds on a special glove after the talks accompanied by a Falconer.
  4. Photos opportunities for the public welcomed with our Birds while holding the Birds.
  5. Falconers on hand to conduct the handling of our Birds, answer questions and provide information about the Birds.

Kids For A Quid Travel Offer is on all of our services during weekends & school holidays. Book your tickets now – it’s more than just a train ride!