- Class: Q1
- Wheels: 0-6-0
- Built: 1942
- Numbers Carried: C1, 33001
- Last Overhaul Completed: 1992
- Arrived On Bluebell Railway: 15 May 1977 (on loan from the National Railway Museum)
- Left Bluebell: 4 May 2004
- Present Location: NRM, York
Known by their nick-name of Charlies this class of locomotives was designed as a wartime economy locomotive by Bulleid, making use of already existing patterns for many of their parts, as goods locomotives intended only for a short life. Although the same weight as the Q-class, their predecessors, they were 50 per-cent more powerful, and proved to be fine machines, lasting much longer than originally intended. Considered ugly by some, they are very popular with enthusiasts. This is the sole survivor of its class, and was restored to working order by the Bluebell on two separate occasions under successive agreements with the NRM.
In 2004 it was apparent that there wasn’t a slot in the forseeable future for the Q1 to be overhauled in the Bluebell’s workshop, and we also currently have a shortage of undercover storage space. Thus when the NRM asked if the Bluebell would be prepared to let the loco return to York for display after Railfest, the Railway readilly agreed. The NRM wished to have the loco in York for two reasons, since it has very few locos relating to the second world war and even fewer of the 0-6-0 wheel arrangement. It is anticipated that after the departure of exhibits to Shildon there will be room in the Great Hall to display her. The NRM have indicated that the loco could return to Sussex in the future for display or another term of running.
Over its last few weeks on the Bluebell a small team from the loco department made a concerted effort to prepare the Q1 for the event at York. As C1 has been at Bluebell for 27 years and never been on display at the NRM it did, as expected, attract a large amount of interest at Railfest in May/June 2004.