“Stepney” arrives with our first coaches coming from the Brighton mainline to the Bluebell

May 1960
Mrs Kimmins breaks a bottle and the Bluebell Railway is open

August 1960
“Bluebell” at Bluebell Halt (aka Horsted Keynes, before we were permitted by BR to enter the real HK)

June 1961
With all our locos in steam, we reach Horsted Keynes for the first time

October 1961
An electric service ran from Horsted Keynes to Seaford until October ’63

October 1963
‘Mr Pastry’ unveils ‘Fenchurch’

July 1964
Elton John posed for his album cover outside this museum

October 1970
Santa at Horsted Keynes. Do you remember snow?

December 1970
No locomotives were hurt in the making of this film

March 1972
Freshfield Halt. Note the early PA system

May 1974
What’s Russian for Horsted Keynes?

May 1974
Wedding special for two Bulleid Society supporters

May 1976
The Reverend Awdry, creator of Thomas the Tank Engine. Our very own ‘Stepney’ went to Sodor in 1963

November 1979
Harold Macmillan on the footplate of ‘Birch Grove’

March 1980
Ringo Starr – ‘They’ve got a ticket to ride’

March 1984
Bridging the gap at Sheffield Park

June 1985
We push on to Kingscote. The first length of track is laid by the Minister of Transport

March 1988
Kingscote in need of TLC

May 1988
Steam tram engine from our Dutch twin railway visits the Bluebell

January 2000
We start to dig through to East Grinstead. Over 70,000 tons of clay and household rubbish were removed!

April 2005
Bulleid’s giants line up at Horsted Keynes

October 2007
The four founders, and Bernard Holden MBE, together again

June 2009
A cavalcade of locos celebrating our 50th birthday

August 2010
Lord Faulkner of Worcester opens the museum

June 2011
The Duke of Gloucester visits the museum

January 2013
March ’13: Having finally reached East Grinstead, we open the new station in the worst of weather

March 2013
‘Deltic’ diesels line up at Horsted Keynes

June 2017
In 2006 we started a re-build of ‘Beachy Head’. We hope to see this beautiful locomotive running in 2021

March 2019
We even invite the GWR over on special occasions

May 2019
BR Standard Tank 80151 is the latest locomotive restored in our works at Sheffield Park

August 2020