The shutdown up to the half term break saw the completion of the work at Sheffield Park Station. For platform 2 the tasks were:
- Removing all the track in platform 2
- Digging out the track bed in platform 2 to the correct depth
- Installing new point rod stools the whole length of platform 2
- Digging a new drain down the length of the platform and lining it and the track bed with a waterproof membrane
- Replacing the wooden sleepers with bullhead concrete sleepers
- Trimming the rails to get rid of the dipped joint
- Redrilling the rail ends and putting the same rails back
- Ballasting and tamping with new ballast
- Digging out a lot of holes and installing point rodding concrete supports
- Service and re-timber the half-sets, (point blade sections) of the points at the south end of platform 2
Meanwhile work was continuing on Platform 1:
- Replacing the steps and brackets up to the footbridge on platform 1
- Digging out and levelling the south end of platform 1 including lowering the manholes lamp posts drains etc.
- Repair the corbel brick layers at the south end of platform 1
- Installing cable ducts and a new manhole on platform 1
- Erect a new lamppost at the bottom of platform 1 ramp