It is now easier than ever to become a volunteer at the Bluebell Railway following the launch of the first Three Steps of an ongoing thorough review of all things associated with volunteering.
Step 1 is a comprehensive list of all of the 50 plus roles that can be undertaken by volunteers.
Step 2 is a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator email address where all of your emails regarding volunteering will be dealt with, by Graham Aitken, the Volunteer Coordinator:
Step 3 is that a real person will phone you to talk about the roles you are interested in and arrange for your first visit.
Graham said: “Earlier this year after being interviewed for and appointed to the post of Volunteer Coordinator, I have been determined to introduce a simple system whereby potential volunteers can actually speak to a real person and discuss roles in which they are interested in undertaking. Hopefully they can agree a date when the potential volunteer can visit the railway to either learn more or to start their new career as a volunteer.”
For full details please visit our volunteering page.